The season of EPIPHANY
Join with the people of St Peter’s Maroochydore as we celebrate the realisation/revelation of the nature of God, shown in the flesh – Jesus.
This is the season of the year that we celebrate the Incarnation of God into the person of Jesus Christ. From the Incarnation flows everything else in our faith: the teaching of Jesus Christ, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection.
Epiphany is the moment in the Church Calendar when we remember the visit of the Magi to Jesus – and we begin a season of learning to see how God’s glory was reflected in the life and ministry of Jesus.
Here there is another challenge – to be those who both witness the glory of God in Jesus, and who, like Jesus, allow God’s glory to be reflected in our own lives.
How we respond to these challenges will make all the difference for 2023. This week we are encouraged to make the right choice and choose Jesus’ priorities, values, and practices for our own.