June 2, 2024

MESSAGE – Second Sunday after Pentecost – Year B – Sunday 2 June 2024

MESSAGE – Second Sunday after Pentecost – Year B – Sunday 2 June 2024

Welcome to the season of bringing about God’s Kingdom Growth! The Lectionary begins the journey of challenging us again to live out the message and mission of Jesus that we have been remembering through the events of the Church Calendar so far. We hear themes of: the voice of God, the light of Christ, and the true meaning of the Sabbath through our readings.

1 Samuel 3:1-10 reminds us that God calls out to each of us, often when we least expect it. Young Samuel didn’t recognise God’s voice at first, but he was open and willing to listen. In our bustling lives, let’s strive to be like Samuel, ready to say, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” Whether it’s through a quiet nudge in our hearts or a clear sign, let’s be attentive and responsive to God’s call.

Moving to 2 Corinthians 4:5-12, we’re reminded that we carry the light of Jesus within us, not for our own glory, but to show God’s power in our fragile, “clay jar” lives. We face challenges and pressures, but we’re not crushed; we might be perplexed, but we’re not driven to despair. This passage encourages us to see our hardships as a way to demonstrate the surpassing power of God’s grace in our lives.

Lastly, Mark 2:23-3:6 teaches us about the Sabbath. Jesus shows us that the Sabbath isn’t just a rule to follow; it’s a day for life and compassion. When Jesus healed on the Sabbath, he was criticised, but he revealed that doing good and saving lives is in the spirit of what the Sabbath is truly about. Let’s embrace this view of the Sabbath as a time to rest, yes, but also as a time to uplift others and do good in the world. In applying these scriptures to our lives, let’s listen for God’s voice in the quiet moments, shine the light of Christ in our daily actions, and remember that our faith is lived out not just in adherence to rules, but in acts of love and compassion.