November 21, 2023

MESSAGE – Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost – Year A – 19 November 2023

MESSAGE – Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost – Year A – 19 November 2023

THEME: “Awakening to Purpose: A Call to preparation and readiness”

Human Experience – fear and inaction

So, what is the common theme that holds these passages together? I believe it is the theme of preparation and readiness. Deborah was prepared to answer God’s call, the Thessalonians were encouraged to be ready for the second coming of Christ, and the servants in the parable of the talents were prepared to invest the money that had been entrusted to them.

In Judges 4:1-10, we read about Deborah, a prophetess and judge who was called by God to lead the Israelites in battle against their oppressors.  Her leadership was of Listening and waiting for God. Deborah was a woman of great faith and courage, and she was able to inspire and motivate the people around her to take action.  We are called to be ourselves and bring our gifts into ministry.  And we each participate in sharing together in God’s give sync immunity. T We practice leadership collectively And admire the vision found in one another And of course the image of God in one another. This passage teaches us that God can use anyone, regardless of their gender or social status, to accomplish His purposes. It also reminds us that we need to be prepared to answer God’s call and to be ready to take action when He calls us to do so.

In Judges 4:1-10, Deborah and Barak were able to defeat the Canaanites because they were prepared for battle. They had faith in God and were willing to take risks. As a church, we must be willing to take risks and step out in faith. We must be prepared to fight against injustice and oppression.

In Psalm 123, the psalmist looks to God for help and guidance. As a church, we must be prepared to look to God for help and guidance. We must be prepared to pray and seek God’s will for our lives.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Paul is writing to the church in Thessalonica about the second coming of Christ. He reminds them that no one knows the day or the hour when Jesus will return, and that they need to be ready at all times. He encourages them to stay alert and sober, and to put  And hold on to faith, love, and hope as a breastplate. This passage teaches us that we need to be prepared for the return of Christ, and that we need to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Paul urges the Thessalonians to be prepared for the day of the Lord. He reminds them that they are children of the light and that they should not be caught off guard. As a church, we must be prepared to live as children of the light. We must be prepared to live in a way that reflects the love and grace of God.

In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus tells the parable of the talents. In this story, a master gives his servants different amounts of money, and then goes away on a journey. When he returns, he asks the servants to give an account of what they have done with the money. The servants who have invested the money and made a profit are praised, while the servant who buried the money in the ground is rebuked.

The talents represent any kind of resource that we are given. God gives us time gifts and resources to  According to our each abilities to invest in them and use them well.  We have the responsibility of using these gifts wisely. This passage teaches us that we need to be good stewards of the gifts and resources that God has given us, and that we need to use them to further His kingdom. Trusting in God rather than fear with the fight flight or freeze in action this is not a pair of judgement but rather a parable of encouragement to encourage the disciples in us today to act.

In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus tells the parable of the talents. The master expects his servants to prepare and invest the talents he gave them. As a church, we must be prepared to use our talents and gifts to serve others. Mercy to show mercy is a theme in Matthew’s Gospel.   We have heard Jesus getting frustrated and annoyed with the pharmacies and other religious leaders who were doing all of these things and not showing mercy. What are you going to do with what God has given you? We must be prepared to invest in the lives of others and to build up the kingdom of God.

What are the practical applications for us to live this out? First, we need to be prepared to answer God’s call, whatever that may be. We need to be ready to take action when He calls us to do so, and we need to be willing to step out in faith, even when it seems risky or uncomfortable.

Second, we need to be ready for the return of Christ. We need to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him, and we need to be alert and sober, so that we are not caught off guard when He comes.

Finally, we need to be good stewards of the gifts and resources that God has given us. We need to use them to further His kingdom, and we need to invest them wisely, so that we can make a difference in the world around us.

May the Holy Spirit guide us as we navigate our individual and collective journeys of faith. Amen.

  1. Identifying and Embracing Our Unique Callings:
  • Application: Take time to discern your unique gifts and talents. Consider how you can use them to contribute to the mission of the church.
  • Mission Implication: Encourage fellow believers to explore and embrace their individual callings within the church. Create opportunities for members to share their talents for the collective advancement of God’s kingdom.
  1. Seeking Humility and Guidance in Prayer:
  • Application: Cultivate a habit of humble prayer, acknowledging your dependence on God’s guidance in decisions and actions.
  • Mission Implication: Foster a culture of prayer within the church, emphasizing the importance of seeking God’s will collectively. Dedicate specific times for communal prayer to align the church’s mission with God’s purposes.
  1. Remaining Vigilant and Prepared for Christ’s Return:
  • Application: Regularly assess your spiritual life, staying vigilant in your faith journey and addressing areas that need growth or repentance.
  • Mission Implication: Promote spiritual accountability within the church. Establish discipleship programs or small groups where members can support and encourage each other in their walk with Christ, fostering a community of believers who are ready for Christ’s return.
  1. Stewardship of Resources and Talents:
  • Application: Evaluate how you are using your time, talents, and resources. Ensure that they align with God’s purposes and are not wasted.
  • Mission Implication: Encourage responsible stewardship at both an individual and collective level. Develop initiatives that allow the church to use its resources wisely for outreach, missions, and community impact.

In applying these principles, we actively engage in the mission of God’s church, creating a community that reflects the love of Christ in tangible ways. As we each play our part, the body of believers becomes a powerful instrument for God’s transformative work in the world.