Exodus 34:29-35. After bringing the tablets of the law down the mountain, Moses’ face shines. And every time after speaking with God in the Tent of Meeting, he addresses the people with a shining face, after which he covers his face with a veil.
Psalm 99. A psalm of praise for God’s holiness and glory, for God’s love of justice, and for God’s guidance and discipline of God’s people.
2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2. In Christ, believer’s hearts are unveiled to receive the truth, and we are able to reflect God’s glory, being changed to be more and more like Christ.
Luke 9:28-36 (37-43). Jesus takes Peter, James and John up a mountain where his face is transfigured, his clothes shine white, and the disciples, who had fallen asleep, wake up to find Jesus speaking with Moses and Elijah.
The Reverend Tania Writes:
As Epiphany draws to a close the Scriptures turn, as usual, to the Transfiguration of Jesus.There are so many ways to approach this mysterious and wondrous narrative, but I would like to focus on the power of the transfiguration to give Jesus the hope and courage to face the cross, and to draw us into our own personal and communal transfiguration as we seek to follow Jesus.
There are two main facets to the Scriptures this week. The most obvious one is that of Jesus’ own transfiguration, which reveals his glory as Messiah, but which also points to the cross – the ultimate glory of Christ. The truth of what the Messianic age means – the fulfilment of the law and the prophets, and the establishment of God’s reign among people – is reflected and proclaimed here.
The second facet is the transformation of those who encounter God – Moses, Jesus, and then those who believe in Christ. The week then, is a celebration of Christ’s transfiguration, but also of ours. And like Christ, our true transformation comes by embracing the way of the cross.
True transformation is never easy, but the alternatives – quick fixes and easy answers – are ultimately even more painful and damaging.
May you discover a new vision of Christ as you worship this week.
Prayerfully, Rev Tania