June 16, 2019

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 16th June 2019 (Trinity Sunday)

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 16th June 2019 (Trinity Sunday)

Bible Readings.

Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31. Wisdom sings of being with God at the creation of the world,and of humanity.
Psalm 8. A song of God’s majesty, and the honour God has given to humanity.
Romans 5:1-5. In Christ, God has given us peace and a place of privilege, and has also strengthened us by giving us the Spirit.
John 16:12-15. Jesus promises the Spirit who will lead us into truth, and teach us all that belongs to Jesus and the Father.

Rev Tania writes,

The theme this week is clear – the nature of God as Triune.

This “difficult” doctrine of the Church is a tough one to address in a sermon or in worship, which tempts us either to treat it as an academic exercise, or to skip over it completely. However, the very mystery of this doctrine – and of the texts that are wrapped around it this week – provide a wonderful array of options.

There is the opportunity to acknowledge again the limitations of our language and thinking about God, and to embrace God’s glorious, infinite mystery.

There is the chance to recognise how God has chosen to reveal God’s self to humanity in flesh and Spirit, and how Jesus and the Spirit really do show us what God is like.

There is also the chance to recognise the work of all three Persons in the life of every woman and man.

There is also the opportunity to explore God’s nature as community, as Love, as relationship, and what this means for us.

Ultimately, though it is wise to bear in mind Richard Rohr’s words: “Trinity leads you into the world of mystery and humility where you can not understand, you can only experience.” And perhaps the heart of that experience is ‘mutuality’ – of God within God, and, miraculously, of God with humanity.

May you be inspired as you prepare, and transformed as you worship this week!

Blessings of the presence of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,  Rev Tania